
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2016

belajar bahasa inggris

The difference of : Narrative and recount Narrative text 1.       Has three linguistic structure consisting of Orientation, Complication and Resolution. Orientation is the stage of introduction by the narrator figure. Complication is the stage where there are conflicts experienced by the characters. Resolution is the final stage where the leaders resolve conflicts or problems it faces. 2.       Narrative Text bring the conflicts experienced by the perpetrator. Narrative Text tells the conflict then tells how to solve it. 3.       Text Narrative Description of the time in less detail. In Narrative Text does not specify when the events described occurred. Narrative Text simply write "Once upon a time" and "Once a day", to describe the time. Recount text 1.       Has three linguistic structure, namely Orientation, Event and reorientation. Orientation is the stage of introduction by the narrator figure. The event is a series of activities undertaken by th


Contoh pidato untuk muhadharah. Hai teman, ini adalah contoh sebuah pidato yang bisa digunakan untuk acara muhadharah. Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb. The honorable Mr. Saiful Bahri and Mrs. Meva and to all my loving friends. Firsthly, let’s say Alhamdulillah to Allah, who gave us an opportunity, so on this night we can stay here without anyproblem. Secondly, shalawat and salam always we given to our prophet Muhammad saw. Who we wait his syafaat at the last day. Amin. Akhwati Rokhimakumullah, Kehidupan dunia adalah kehidupan yang fana, kehidupan sementara, kehidupan yang sebentar saja. Jika kita dikaruniai usia yang sama dengan Rasulullah, hidup kita di dunia sekitar 63 tahun lamanya. Mungkin ada yang lebih lama dari itu, tetapi banyak juga yang kurang dari itu. Berapa banyak saudara dan teman kita yang meninggal di usia muda, entah didahului oleh sakit maupun kematian tiba-tiba. Melalui kecelakaan atau bencana alam, misalnya. Pendek kata, jika waktunya telah tiba, kematian