belajar bahasa inggris

The difference of :
Narrative and recount
Narrative text
1.      Has three linguistic structure consisting of Orientation, Complication and Resolution. Orientation is the stage of introduction by the narrator figure. Complication is the stage where there are conflicts experienced by the characters. Resolution is the final stage where the leaders resolve conflicts or problems it faces.
2.      Narrative Text bring the conflicts experienced by the perpetrator. Narrative Text tells the conflict then tells how to solve it.
3.      Text Narrative Description of the time in less detail. In Narrative Text does not specify when the events described occurred. Narrative Text simply write "Once upon a time" and "Once a day", to describe the time.
Recount text
1.      Has three linguistic structure, namely Orientation, Event and reorientation. Orientation is the stage of introduction by the narrator figure. The event is a series of activities undertaken by the figures which are presented in sequence. Reorientation is a summary or the impression of figures regarding the event, activity or event described.
2.      Text recount does not present a conflict like in the Narrative Text. Recount Text only presents a series of activities undertaken by the figures in the time sequence.
3.      Description of the time on Recount Text is clearer than Narrative Text. If the Narrative Text only use "Once upon a time", on the Recount Text is usually mentioned as "on monday", "in the next day", "then", etc.
Explanation and procedure
Explanation text
1.      Text Communicative objectives:
Explain the processes that occur in the formation or activities related to natural phenomena, the scientific world, socio-cultural, or other aiming explained.
2.      Text structure:
-          A general description (A general statement)
-          Explanation of the process (A sequenced explanation of why or how something Occurs)
-          Cover
3.      Linguistic characteristics using:
-          General and abstract nouns, such as chopping word, Earthquakes
-          Action verbs
-          Simple present tense
-          Passive voice
-          Conjunctions of time and cause
-          Noun phrase, for example, the large cloud
-          Abstract nouns, for example, the temperature
-          Adverbial phrases
-          Complex sentences
-          Technical language
Procedure text
1.      The general structure (generic structure) consists of :
-          Goal / Aim : the purpose and intention of the text content.
Example : How to make a sandwich ...
-          Material / Tool : materials or equipment needed to make / do something.
Example : The materials are as follows: 1. Two slides of bread, 2. Fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, ....
-          Steps / Procedures : steps or procedures in doing / making things.
Example : First, take two slides of bread and ...
2.      Using tenses "simple present"
3.      Frequent use the phrase commands (imperatives / orders).
Example : Turn on the lamp, Put the rice into the rice cooker, Do not forget to press the 'on' button ...
4.      The words sequences (sequences).
Example: first, second, then, next, the last, finally ...
Descriptive and report
Report text
1.      Definition:
Report text is a text that describes and classifies things or common phenomenon which is the object of discussion. In general, text report is written based on the results of observation were done before.
Report text is always followed by the important facts about the topic being discussed. Report text usually talk about hl technical, scientific and general. Examples calories, carbohydrate, protein, animal and sebagainnya.
2.      Generic structure:
-          Identification
In paragraph identification or explanation contains general information about what will be discussed.
-          Description
In the report the description text usually gives an overview phenomena that occur and their parts, point is the translation of scientific classification presented.
3.      Language Features
-          Using conditional connector such as: when, so, while, etc.
-          Using the simple present tense.
-          Introducing the group or aspect in general.
-          Most use a common noun and adjective.

Descriptive text
1.      Definition:
Descriptive text aims to describe or depict how someone or something looks real. Unlike a text report describing sutu still common, descriptive text to describe something more specialized. Descriptive text describes a person or an object based on objective fact.
2.      Generic structure:
-          Identification
In the descriptive text, containing identification of identification on an object / person to be described as a whole in the text.
-          Description
In the description section contains the description of explanations / depiction on a matter / person by mentioning some of the properties and characteristic in particular.
3.      Language Features
-          Using the Simple Present Tense
-          Using action verbs
-          Most use the adverb
-          Using technical special terms
Example :
If the report text describes the bird, then the text report will describe the birds in general, for example, food, way of reproduction, and other common things. While Descriptive text will describe about my bird and explain specific things such as color, weight, habits and unique things special.
Review and news item
Review text
1.      Social Function Review Text
Turns review of the text could serve as to criticize an art work, an event for a public audience. (to give a critique of a work of art, or other general audience).
2.      Generic Structure Review Text
-          Orientation : places the work in its general and particular context, Often by Comparing it with others of its kind or through an analog with a non-art object or event. (put the works reviewed in the context of general or specific, usually by comparing with other similar works or by analogy an object that is not a work of art.)
-          Interpretive Recount : summarize the plot and / or providers an account of how the reviewed restaurants rendition of the work Came into being. (Summarizing the plot "when reviewing a book on" how the delivery of the work)
-          Evaluation: provides an evaluation of the work and / or its performance or production; is usually recursive. (give a evaluari work or appearance, production; this evaluation is usually repeated)
News item
1.      Social functions
To inform viewers or listeners, leader about the incident yesterday which consideren news or important.
2.      Generic Structure of  News Item
-          Main Events : The main events that deserves to be news.
-          Elaboration : A description of the background for the event; people involved in the incident; where the event occurred; etc..
-          Resource of Information [Source]: Source of news; comment the witness; expert opinion; etc
Hortatory,  analytical and disscussion
Hortatory exposition text
1.      Structure of Linguistic Hortatory Exposition Text
-          Thesis
Thesis contains introduction of our main ideas about a phenomenon or event that will be raised or discussed
-          Arguments
Arguments contains the opinions which support our basic idea. The more opinions we write, the more attractive a Hortatory Exposition Text it, because readers tend to believe in an event if there are many arguments in favor in it
-          Recommendation
Recommendation contains a recommendation or solicitation us to the reader
2.      Characteristics of Linguistic Hortatory Exposition
-          Using the simple present tense
-          Using temporal conectives; firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc.
-          Using the evaluative words; importanly, valuablly, trustworthly, etc.
3.      The purpose of hortatory exposition text is to explain and influence the reader.
Analytical exposition text
1.      Structure of Linguistic Analytical Exposition
-          Thesis
In the Thesis section, we introduce about the topic or main idea will be discussed. Thesis is always in the first paragraph of Analytical Exposition Text
-          Argument
In this section we present the arguments or opinions of which supports our fundamental ideas, usually in an Analytical Exposition Text there are more than two arguments. The more arguments appear increasingly believe the reader that the topics covered by us is a very important topic or need attention.
-          Reiteration
This section is part of an Analytical Exposition cover Text is always located at the end of the paragraph. Reiteration contains kamian return or resettlement of the main ideas contained in the first paragraph. Reiteration is also commonly called the conclusion or conclusions.
2.      Linguistic Characteristics Analytical Exposition
-          Using the simple present
-          Using the process reltional
-          Using conjunction internal
-          Using casual conjuction
3.      The purpose of analytical exposition text is to convince the reader.
1.      Discussion Communicative objective Text
Communicative purpose of the Discussion Text itself is to present an issue or issues to be reviewed at least from two points of view, before arriving at a conclusion or recommendation.
2.      Discussion linguistic Structure Text
In the discussion of text, there are four linguistic structure that is visible from the main idea in each paragraph of the text discussion.
-          Issue
Issue is located in the first paragraph that contains the placement of the problem or issue to be discussed.
-          Supporting Points
In this section, the author presents arguments in favor of issues. Supporting Point in each paragraph consists of two components which are the main idea of a paragraph and the elaboration or explanation of the main idea of the paragraph.
-          Contrasting Points
In this section, the author presents arguments against the issue or problem. As in paragraph Spportin Point, Contrasting Points also presents two main idea-forming components that paragraph and elaboration or explanation ari main idea of the paragraph.
-          Conclunlusion or Recommendation
In this section the author presents conclusions or it could be recommended to the issue or issues that have been discussed above.
3.      Discussion Text Linguistic Characteristics
Discussion Text in the making, the authors should consider the use of language which is usually applied, such as:
-          Using the simple present tense
-          Using modalites, like must, should, would, may, etc.
-          Using additive, contrastive, and casual connection, such as similiary, however, Furthemore, on the other hand, moreover, in addition, but, nevertheless, etc.

By : Danti Ambarwati


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